Realplayer sp for mac
Realplayer sp for mac

realplayer sp for mac

This comes in two forms, one that is strictly related to videos, looking up and playing YouTube clips, while the other gives you full navigation controls.Īdditionally, upon installation you can choose to enable a “Download This Video” function, which is needless to say what role it serves. One of the most useful features is an integrated web browser. Once you stumble upon a file while browsing the application's tabs, hitting the context menu “Add” button quickly places it in a selected collection. Multiple custom collections can be created and populated with items you can sort according to various criteria. One of them gives you the possibility to organize files that are both on your computer or on your dedicated Cloud space.

realplayer sp for mac

The application's main window lets you quickly switch through available major features. An interesting concept makes you constantly share items with your friends or installing the application on various devices, because each of these activities earns you more storage space. Have your media files wherever you goĪs the name suggests, the application puts a variable amount of storage space available on the Internet for you to keep your music and videos. RealPlayer Cloud promises to deliver an impressive audio and video experience to your desktop.

realplayer sp for mac

This can easily be done by going on some of the most popular media web sites or using specialized applications. The most common form of entertainment nowadays is enjoying a show or your favorite songs.

Realplayer sp for mac